dda-adaptations-page-300x225 DDA AdaptationsAlmost a fifth of children in Britain are identified as having special educational needs (SEN). It is estimated that around 7 per cent of children are disabled and a significant number of children have both SEN and a disability.

The School Renovation Company can assist with making adaptations to your setting to allow access and movement.

We can design:

• practical spaces, taking into account health and safety requirements, accessible layout and specialist equipment

• spaces for music and drama

• large spaces for movement and sport, assembly, performance and inclusive dining

• accessible outdoor spaces – for curriculum use (outdoor classroom, nature trails, PE activities), social/recreational use, and SEN therapy/training (sensory gardens, mobility trails SEN and disability specialist support spaces including: • medical facilities • therapy and support spaces according to needs, such as for physiotherapy, sensory learning, counselling, and social skills development a range of other support spaces, including:

• staff spaces, including for outreach and training for visiting professionals and parents

• necessary stores and maintenance services – for all spaces and to accommodate mobility aids

• accessible toilets and changing spaces for personal care – for disabled children and adults

• kitchen spaces

An accessible environment helps children with SEN and disabilities take part in school activities alongside their peers. Our School designs ensure:

• a simple, clear layout, easily understood by all users

• accessible circulation routes, broad enough for people using wheelchairs or sticks

• ergonomic details (such as door handles) that mean everyone can use them

• means of escape designed to take account of disabled people

• safe vehicular movement (which could be considerable in a special school)

• safe clearances around furniture and equipment, especially for wheelchair users

• additional staff working in learning and support spaces

• storage and use of (sometimes bulky) equipment and a wide range of teaching resources

• appropriate levels of glare-free controllable lighting

• good quality acoustics, taking into account the needs of people with sensory impairments and/or communication and interaction needs

• visual contrast and texture, which can be used for sensory wayfinding

• reduced levels of stimuli, (for example, avoiding sensory overload for a child with autism) to provide a calming background to learning

• sensory elements – using colour, light, sound, texture and aroma therapeutically, in particular for children with complex health needs